Measurement and calibration
We carry out many kinds of field measurements related to sound and vibration. We also calibrate measuring devices. Our measurement services include field inspection sound insulation measurements, room acoustic measurements and noise measurements. Our calibration service produces periodic calibrations of sound level meters and calibrators. Most of our measurement and calibration services are accredited.
Measurement and calibration contact persons

Uli Jetzinger
Finland, Global, MENA
+358 41 313 4815

Lauri Vapalahti
+358 50 541 7111
Why accreditation?
To ensure the quality of measurement and calibration operations, we organize regular training for personnel, perform follow-up and comparison measurements as well as internal audits, maintain our equipment and develop the methods used.
Since our measurement and calibration operations are accredited, we can deliver legally and internationally valid measurement and calibration protocols.
Accreditation is often a requirement of the authority supervising the construction in measurements made in construction projects.